ABBA-PAI: Our little brains in training
For some years now, ABBA has been producing a newsletter called ABBA-PAI. Since last year, we have decided to use this vehicle to produce studies relevant to ABBA's area of activity, namely social assistance. From this edition onwards, we will use this blog space to publish ABBA-PAI.
We start with this issue, as it is the first part of a series of three studies on the formation of our minds and the formation of our society.
"There is no more accurate way of revealing the soul of a society than the way it treats its children" (Nelson Mandela).
The formation of our minds depends on the world around us and our minds form the world around us. This is a very broad and complex subject. That's why we want to spend a lot of time thinking about it. In the next three issues of ABBA-PAI, we'll be talking about the formation, (de)formation and (re)formation of our minds. Like it or not, the future of our society, even of humanity, depends on how we treat our children. Read in this ABBA-PAI about the formation of our minds during the first years of life, the importance of the family environment and emotional bonds, and what kind of society results from this.
Link to read: https://tinyurl.com/yb8z2zta