Célio and Ester have been married since 2008 and have two children, Maria Clara and Arthur. Célio is the current superintendent and leader of ABBA and has been in this position since 2010. He is responsible for organizing the projects, which are divided into 4 areas: prevention, protection, intervention and training.
Responsible for managing the units so that they are ready to receive children and teenagers and for caring for and shepherding the team of missionaries and staff in 4 states of Brazil.
Ester is a full-time mother, a bilingual pedagogy student and is currently responsible for ABBA's social networks. From left to right Ester, Arthur, Maria Clara and Célio.
Mike and Heide have been married for 27 years and have been serving in Brazil since 2000. They are the parents of Jamin, Lorena, Samuel and Sarah Liah.
Mike is leader of ABBA and coordinates the Solido Móveis team, offering professional training in carpentry to young people, and supports the local church in the fireflies project.
Heide is a full-time mother and assists and serves the ministry in a support team role.
From left to right Jamin, Sarah, Lorena, Samuel, Mike and Heidi
Robert and Silvana have been married since 2003 and have four children, Vinicius, Rafael, Marianne and Helena.
Robert has been one of ABBA's leaders since 2009.
He leads the prevention area and coordinates Casa Semear directly.
Silvana is a full-time mother and helps Robert coordinate Casa Semear. She is also a therapist, giving classes to young children.
From left to right Rafael, Marianne, Helena, Robert, Silvana, Vinicius
Vânia is Katherine's mother, who also serves at ABBA as a volunteer updating the Gente de Perto Project's social networks,
Vania has been an ABBA leader and coordinator of the Gente de Perto Intervention Service in downtown São Paulo for five years, when she and other missionaries created it.
In addition to working with street children and adolescents, Gente de Perto also monitors the reintegration into the family of each of these young people who decide to return to their families.
With a new headquarters, they have been organizing and planning the proposed activities that will begin this year: vocational courses, psychological care, bathing and feeding the children and adolescents in the new space.
Gerson and Chelly have been married since 2010 and have four daughters: Julia, Luana, Emanuela and Joana.
Gerson is a missionary and manager of Casa Lar Elohim, a shelter for children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability.
Its main mission is to ensure that the gospel is lived out among those who have been taken in and their caregivers, through care, shepherding and fighting for the rights of those who have been taken in, who have experienced so much trauma and suffering.
Chelly is a full-time mother, helps Gerson coordinate Casa Elohim and manages Espaço Elohim: a place that is rented out to help support Casa Lar.
From left to right: Julia, Luana, Chelly, Emanuela, Gerson and Joana
Raquel has been married to Judson Hatcher for 25 years and has 4 children. She has been a psychologist since 1999 and has a master's degree and doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Regent University in the United States.
Raquel Hatcher is the leader of ABBA and the coordinator of the Pérolas Jabaquara Foster Family Service, which opened in April 2023 and has a psychologist and a social worker.
Raquel Hatcher is also a national trainer in the TBRI (Trust-Based Relational Intervention) approach. She received her certification from Texas Christian University in the United States.
Raquel is part of the "Movement for the Right of the Orphan" and participates as one of the leaders of WWO Brazil (World Without Orphans Brazil).
Delton is a leader at Abba, married to Fernanda, they are the parents of Naomi, Josué, Kaleb (in memoriam) Priscila and Lucas.
Delton is a social worker, coordinates ABBA's technical team and is the manager of the Pérolas Foster Family Service, which was the first foster family initiative in the city of São Paulo.
It also offers training to professionals in the System for Guaranteeing the Rights of Children and Adolescents through Alicerce, ABBA's capacity-building and training program.
Fernanda, his wife, is a nurse and housewife who looks after their four children, is involved in education initiatives and serves ABBA in a support and nursing team role.
Family Reception Service
Area of Expertise: Protection
Service leader: Raquel Hatcher
From left to right Andrea, Raquel and Karolini
Institutional care service
Area of Expertise: Protection
Service leader: Gerson Jikal
Na foto: Gerson, Chelly, Cilmara (em cima), Ana Paula (atrás da Iza), Izabelle, Silvania, Nataline, Thiago Vitor Amanda, George
Institutional care service
Area of Expertise Protection
Service leader: Gabriela Ferreira
From left to right: Roque, Gabriela, Milca, Erika, Luciana, Marisa, Geudene and Kailson
Family Reception Service
Area of Expertise Protection
Service leader:
Prevention Service
Service leader: Leu
From left to right: Adolfo, Cristiane, Nara, Daniela, Andreza, Raiele, Leu, Lita, Paulo, Debora, Siri
Prevention Service
Service Leader: Robert and Silvana
From left to right: Helena, Robert, Silvana, Chris, Ashley, Lucas, Dorothee, Alan and Vilma
Prevention Service
Service Leader: Tatiane
Support Team: Social Action
Lagoinha Baptist Church Alphaville
Prevention Service
Service Leader: Roberto Medeiros
Support Team: São Paulo Fountain Church
Intervention Service
Service Leader: Vania Coutinho
Na foto: Carlos, Aquiles, Vânia, Virgílio, Letícia, Andreone, Emérita, Ricard
Training Service
Service Leader: Elisaete Gardenia
From left to right: Elizaete, Paulo, Débora e Junior
Training Service
Service Leader: Raquel Hatcher
Training Service
Service Leader: Bob Ferreira
From left to right: Maiara, Igor, Renilson, Patrick and Bob
Prevention Service
Team: Hedi Groeff
From left to right: Ester Ferreira, Karina, Ester Medeiros, Aline and Célio
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