Our work
Over the years, ABBA's work has taken on new forms, but it has always maintained the same foundation. Involvement with those living on the streets led to the creation of street outreach services, shelters and the family reception service; the quest to prevent street life led to the creation of community centers on the outskirts of the city; and the attempt to provide better living conditions for those living there led to the creation of a vocational training service. Today, these are ABBA's four areas of activity: prevention, intervention, protection and training. With every step taken and every change made, ABBA seems to get closer to its vision: to see every child, adolescent and young person in our country able to develop fully in all dimensions of life, based on God's fatherly care.
The metropolitan region of São Paulo, ABBA's main center of activity, has the highest concentration of favelas in Brazil (27%), with up to 2 million people living there. Material scarcity, health risks, little intellectual stimulation, abusive family relationships, low self-esteem, distorted social behavior, are all indicators of an experience of broken relationships in the environmental, personal, social and spiritual dimensions, which make up the totality of human existence.
In such conditions, full human development, especially for children and adolescents, is unsustainable. Our prevention services work in direct contact with children and adolescents who live this reality. Each service provides the opportunity for these children and adolescents to find an environment of safe relationships, facilitating the fulfillment of their material, mental, emotional, social, moral and spiritual needs, and their full human development in family life.
Contribuir para a defesa da dignidade humana e dos direitos da criança e do adolescente em situação de risco e vulnerabilidade social.
According to a survey by the Human Rights Secretariat, in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Development (IDEST), there are 24,000 homeless children and adolescents in Brazil. For children and adolescents in particular, going to the streets is a response to a situation of extreme poverty, abandonment, neglect or violence imposed on them in their family environment. In this we see the causes and consequences of a life filled with broken relationships, preventing the full development of these children and adolescents. The effects of a wasted childhood or youth thus extend throughout life and affect society as a whole. Given the rootless nature of homelessness, its main cause in family problems and the difficulty of institutional reception, we have to turn to strengthening and restoring family relationships as the main working strategy.
Contribuir para a defesa da dignidade humana e dos direitos da criança e do adolescente em situação de rua, minimizando os impactos da vivência nas ruas.
There are currently more than 33,000 children and adolescents in institutional care. Legally, negligence, abandonment and violence on the part of the adult responsible are the criteria for losing custody. It is in this context that working with families of origin becomes so fundamental to our protection front. ABBA believes that the family of origin has priority in caring for their children, as this is the best environment for human development. However, given this data, the family of origin doesn't always have the right conditions to do so, which requires hard work to protect the rights of children and adolescents. ABBA's commitment to the family, since its inception in 1993, has made it a pioneering institution in the development of institutional and family foster care services. The value of the family is reflected in our efforts to assist families of origin so that they can receive custody of their children; as well as in the pioneering work to promote family foster care through the dissemination of information, the formulation of material, the organization of lectures and conferences, up to and including the recruitment of families and the referral of children to foster families. For ABBA, at the heart of the value of the family for full human development is the belief in the divine plan, which drives the commitment to ensure that every human being can live in a family.
Fonte: gov.br/cidadania/pt-br
Contribuir para a defesa dos direitos da criança e do adolescente em situação de risco e vulnerabilidade social, suprindo suas necessidades materiais, mentais, emocionais, sociais, morais e espirituais, para que se desenvolvam plenamente em todas as dimensões da vida.
Several factors contribute to the characterization of a situation of risk and social vulnerability, the lack of professional qualifications and unemployment being two of them. A significant picture shows the relationship between these two factors and serious social conditions, such as high rates of informality, outsourcing and instability, which weaken the labor force and the economic potential of the individual, their family and society as a whole. The concrete social impact of these conditions can be seen among families who have had their children sent to institutional care because their rights were violated in the family environment. In these families, 19% of parents or guardians are unemployed and only 12% of parents or guardians have a formal job. These conditions tend to be repeated from generation to generation, creating a cycle of risk and social vulnerability, lack of professional qualifications and unemployment, and damaging the full human development of children and adolescents. It was then that a strong motivation was created in us to respond to this reality, and so we worked to create our area of professional training for young people who find themselves in this cycle.
Nossa área de formação tem como objetivo criar e coordenar empresas de excelência profissional, oferecendo produtos e serviços de alta qualidade; incorporar em nossa equipe jovens em situação de risco e vulnerabilidade social, especialmente que tenham vínculos com outros serviços da ABBA.
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BEA Ministries is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting missionaries worldwide. By donating through BEA, you can directly help ABBA Brasil in their mission to provide care and support for children in vulnerable situations. Your contribution can make a difference in a child's life today!
Donate via BEAThe SMG Schweizerische Missions-Gemeinschaft is a Christian missionary and relief organization. By donating through SMG, you can directly assist ABBA in their mission to care for children in vulnerable situations. Your contribution can truly change a child's life
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