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Your Donation Represents a Changed Life.

Today, you can give children and young people the freedom to grow and develop with dignity and responsibility.

I want to change a life

Who is ABBA?

For 30 years, ABBA has been working in the lives of children and adolescents in vulnerable situations, always following 6 principles:

  • Christian faith
  • Interdependence
  • Community Life
  • Family Value
  • The Value of Every Child, Adolescent and Young Person
  • Social Justice
What motivates us is the desire to see every child, adolescent and young person in our country able to develop fully in all dimensions of life, based on God's paternal care. Learn more about our story here.

Discover the power of your donation

With your donation, we can coordinate services aimed at strengthening and restoring relationships and meeting the needs of our children..

Your donations are divided between all the services, in strategic places, based on our areas of activity:

How About Changing A Life Today?

Generosity is a superpower that we all possess. With it, we can transform lives and do good. How about using that power today to be the hero of the story of children and teenagers in vulnerable situations?

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